Truly a Masterpiece Podcast
Truly a Masterpiece podcast is based on the Scripture that teaches, you are God's unique work of art, his masterpiece. This podcast is for those who are tired of wasting their potential and putting their dreams on hold while they struggle with the paralysis of self-doubt. My name is Craig, I'm your host. In 2014 I won the war over self-doubt. Looking back I can't believe how easy the war was to win. In each episode, you'll meet others who have won the war over self-doubt. They will share the dark side of doubt and how they overcame that "not enough" feeling to live the life they were born to love.
Truly a Masterpiece Podcast
Back to The Future: Part 2 - Change Your Memory, Change Your Future
I have the second part of a teaching that will literally will change your life. I've been using this teaching in my own life, and teaching it through craig walker coaching for many years. People are being helped and are breaking free from that cycle of negative thinking. Literally, you can change your memories of an event and change your future.
Check it out. I hope it helps.
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Welcome to the Trudy at Masterpiece podcast. My name is Craig Walker and I'm your host. Hey, thanks for joining me today. I have the second part of a teaching that it literally will change your life. I've been using this teaching in my own life and I've been teaching it through my coaching for many years, helping people break free from that negative cycle of thinking sometimes we get stuck in and abuse it to help them learn to live the life that God created them to love. Well, if you're new to my program, let me just tell you this real quick. I have a gift for you. It's my ebook, Seven Insights About You. What You Don't Know Can Hurt You. There's a link for this in the notes below. Make sure you grab that. Also, I'm working on a book called Shameless, Living the Life You Were Born to Love. If you would like to receive periodic updates, there's also a link there. Click it and you can stay in the know. Don't forget to click the subscribe button. Consider sharing this podcast with your friends, helping me expand my reach. All right. That's it. I want to jump into part two of Back to the Future, Change Your Memory and Change Your Future. What we're discussing, this is similar. This is like what Marty McFly experienced in the comedy Back to the Future. And when Marty traveled back in time to 1955, He accidentally caused his parents not to meet and now Marty's working feverishly to get them to meet. Otherwise he's going to erase his future existence. This is where the movie becomes real to you and me. You and I can, through our memory, travel back in time, alter our perception of an event and literally change our future. Theologically speaking, we can become our our own psychologists, our own shrinks. We do what Paul challenged the church in Rome to do in chapter 12 verse 2 when he said, let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. This isn't just theological. Science supports this. This can be done. When you bring a thought, this is science, pause to give you that thought. When you bring a thought out of your non-conscious mind, which at that point it's a memory. You bring that memory into consciousness, it becomes unstable. With that memory in your conscious mind, you can reconstruct the memory. Now obviously you can't change the event that happened, but you can change your interpretation of the event. So once that memory has been processed, then automatized with new memory, new thoughts and new emotions, then it goes back into your non -conscious mind, And from there, as a memory still, it controls 90 to 99 % of everything you say and do. That's why I say, change your memory and you can literally change your future. You become a new person, as the scripture says. This is also why Paul wrote to the church in Corinth's teaching that we can destroy strongholds. A stronghold is just a belief or a thought that keeps you from living the life that God created you to love. That's it. It keeps you from living in the truth. So how do we do this? Well, we take every thought captive to obey Christ. Literally, change your thinking, change your future. Scripture repeats this over and over and over. When you go back in time, unlike Marty, you and I want to do something that will change our future. We don't want to undo something so that we keep things the same, something we've messed up. No, we want to go back in time. and undo something that's messed up so we can have a better future. What do you do? Three steps. Grab a pen and paper. Number one, I hope you got a pen and paper. If not hit pause, come back when you're ready. Number one, revisit your memory. You bring that memory into your conscious mind where it becomes unstable and where you can reconstruct it. What event, this is important, what event causes you to feel like you're not enough. What event is causing you to feel stuck in that I can't mindset? You know I'm talking about? You're a child of God. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. That's what the Bible says about you. So if you're stuck, something's wrong. So now travel back in time in your memory to that event. Go there. How do we know what it was? Well, What happened in your past that's causing you pain and suffering today? What happened in your past that's keeping you from doing the things that you really want to do in life? To say, I can't. What's keeping you from living your best life? I know some of you, you'd say, I don't want to go back there. I don't want to revisit. There's too much pain and suffering. I get it. It's unequal, unparalleled suffering. I get that. Trust me. Go there anyway. Get that event. firmly in mind. This is critical. If you don't have a specific in mind yet, I would just say take a deep breath. Don't click away from this talk. Just listen to the whole thing. And then when you're ready, when you're ready to pull that memory up and deal with it, then click play and listen to this all over again and do the work. Okay. All right. You've got it in mind or you're listening to learn. For me, it was a no brainer. I wanted to go back to my first grade experience. That's what I needed to do. And so here's, once we've got it pulled up, we've recalled the event. Now we reinterpret the event. This is number two. Here's how you do it. You ask this question, is that true? Is my understanding, my interpretation of that event true? I'm just going to tell you in advance, it's probably not. And that's why you need to revisit it. What we're going to do is, is walk through Philippians 4, 8 as a prescription for changing our life. Paul said, now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. He said, fix your thoughts. Fix your thoughts. This is a thinking game. Fix your thoughts on what's true, what's honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent, things that are worthy of praise. That's where You take your thoughts captive into obedience to Christ. That's what he's telling you to do. That's how you obey him is think on these things. Now I want you to see something. What's true? Did you realize that stands first on the list and it's there first for a reason? The Holy Spirit is only speaking that which is true to you. So any other message you get, it's not from the Holy Spirit. So if you get the Holy Spirit, you get the truth. John 14, 17 says he is the spirit of truth. Jesus in John 8 32 says, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. When you find the truth, you'll know it because you'll feel this, this sense of freedom like, ah, man, yes. I've discovered this process that I'm walking you through right now. I mean like the whole thing completely by accident. I had been using this a Flippin's 489. process of rethinking, but I'd never really taken it to this level until this day. I discovered this process by accident. I said, one day I was on a call with another pastor and this pastor was sharing his story of something that had happened to him in the first grade. A teacher had told him that he was stupid right in front of his mother. Well, the pastor's mother came unglued and she leveled that teacher saying, my son is smart. And If he's having a problem learning, it's not his fault, it's yours. The pastor said, my mom, she's my hero. Had she not been there that day, no telling how this comment would have affected and changed my life. Well, I'm on the other end of the telephone line. I'm listening to the story and I began to cry. I don't mean I began to weep softly. I don't mean that a tear just filled my eye. No, I mean I saw it. I mean like uncontrollably. This was one of those embarrassing sobs where I just kind of like snotting and sniffing and snorting and I just can't quit. It's taking my breath and you go, you know how when you're a kid, that's the way I was. I couldn't get it out of control. I finally apologized. I said, I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't understand why your story has hit me so hard. Then it was like someone had turned on a light. I traveled back in time. I saw myself standing next to my mom and my teacher was telling her why I couldn't be promoted. I remember my dad, who was my hero, had decided to tutor me at home. And when he tried to teach me to write my name, I'd write my C backwards. And he was getting frustrated every time I wrote it backwards and say, no, that's not how you write a C. And then he would erase it. And then he would write a C as easily as could be done. And then he got totally frustrated with teaching me to write. He switched over to math only. to become frustrated again. I remember thinking, you know, if my dad only knew how stupid I am, he wouldn't be trying to make me learn this. And he wouldn't feel so bad about himself and be so frustrated or angry. But in that moment, as I traveled back in time, I discovered something, the truth. I realized that, oh my gosh, I'm not stupid. I'm not mentally deficient. I'm smart. I'm smart enough to learn. And I was smart enough to learn even back then. I had been put in a no -win situation. Gosh, I was only five years old. Of course I got it wrong. What happened? It was not my... I want to ask you a question. And I understand that just asking this question may just cause you intense pain. That's not my point. And I pray that if my question is hurtful, that it would be the kind of hurt like a surgeon's scalpel removing a tumor, promoting deep, deep healing. My question is this. When you were a child, and you experienced abuse. How did you interpret that event? I want you to listen to me. Pretend right now that you're sitting across the table from me and I'm looking you right in the eye and you're looking me right in the eye. It was not your fault. Yeah, the abuser may have manipulated you into doing things that you wish you hadn't done. That wasn't your fault. You were put in a no -win situation. Let go of the guilt. Accept what is true. There's nothing wrong with you. When your parents divorced when you were a child, how did you interpret that? What did you conclude from the yelling and the fighting in your home, the name calling, the insults, the ridicule, the harsh things that people, maybe your own parents, said to you or about you? How did you interpret it when later you were married and your spouse was unfaithful to you? Had an affair. Let's revisit this. Let's go back to this memory. What's true? This I know. There is nothing wrong with you. If you'll lean into God and experience His grace, you'll experience His healing. Now, real quick, I want to look back at the passage because there were other words. What is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, things that are excellent, things that are worthy of praise. How do you use those words? You start with what is true, but then you have to filter on through that list because I've noticed ... In me, even when I come up with the truth, sometimes what is true is not honorable, right, pure, lovely, or admirable. My thoughts are not. I've noticed that sometimes my assessment is true, but my thoughts are still off. And so I have to keep working my thinking until finally I've got a new way of looking at it. And by the way, those last two words, how to ... think about things that are excellent and things that are worthy of praise. To get to this deep level of right thinking, I asked myself another question. I said, you know, if my friends, and I'm talking about my godly, wise friends, if they could hear how I'm thinking right now, if I were to tell them what I'm thinking, would they say, wow, way to go, Craig. Keep it up, man. Or would they say, Craig, are you nuts? And they're not really asking a question. OK? When. when you've done that kind of thinking and get to that level. Paul makes a promise. I'm getting too fast. I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't want to go to the promise yet. I do want to say this. You will find freedom. Okay. When you get to that level of freedom, that level of thinking, you have found freedom. Something inside of you feels a sense of release. Just as when I was sitting there with this pastor crying my eyes out, I just felt a sense of freedom. I'm released. Nothing is wrong with me. At that moment, I was emotionally liberated. Now that is what I started to say. I had to take one more step. I don't want to leave this out. Unfortunately, I didn't take this step until a long time afterwards. So I didn't experience the full benefits until much later. So I don't want you to miss this. Okay. Now that I want to pause here before I will go on. I want to just do a quick promotion. I just want to tell you about what's coming up in my next episode. I have a guest who has modeled everything that I'm telling you today. Her name is Kim Avery. Avery Kim is the author of a book, Prayer Powered Entrepreneur. She's an incredible person. You're going to love Kim. You're going to love our time together. I think you'll learn so much about her authenticity and the challenges that she faces and wins to remain authentic. So make sure you stay dialed in and are back here the second Tuesday in April for our next podcast episode. All right. Here's the third step. Don't miss this. Don't miss this. If you want all the benefits that come, don't miss it. First, you recall. Second, you reinterpret. Third, you reengage. You reengage with your purpose. Paul says in the very next verse, keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me, everything you heard and saw me doing. In other words, everything that you've learned, everything that you know, everything that you've discovered through this process, put it into practice. And then he says this. and the God of peace will be with you. When you suffered your hurt, I want to tell you what happened to you. You disengaged from the life that God created you to love. What does your new way of thinking require you to do to re -engage with your purpose in life, the reason God made you? There are two things for me when I thought about this. There's two things. If I'm going to re -engage and do everything that I know the Holy Spirit is telling me to do. Number one, I had to forgive my parents. And this really wasn't that hard for me at all. My parents weren't mean. They didn't not love me. They didn't... They put me there because they didn't like me or love me. They loved me to death. They put me there because that's just all they knew to do. They did the best they knew how. I was able to come to the place in my life and say, Lord, I forgive them. I know they were doing their best. They just didn't know any better and they were trying to make life work. I forgive them. So I did. I really haven't had to go back to that. You may have to. If it's been an abuser, you may have to go back to it many times. Keep going until you ... You fence, you feel that sense of release. Two, I had to start learning. I don't know what you have to do. I knew I hadn't learned. I'd spent years of thinking, I can't learn, living in that I can't mindset. I went back to school. I enrolled in remedial reading in my 20s. I went back to there, went to a community college. I learned to read, to write. I developed a vocabulary. I even went on and got a BA degree. I'm still learning today. I'm still growing. When you recall, reinterpret, and reengage, Paul said, you will experience peace. It's what God promised. But God won't just deliver his peace like send it by messenger. No. Paul said, and the God of peace will be with you. He delivers it in person. He did that for me, and he will do that for you. What event must you recall? How will you reinterpret what's happened to you? How will you re -engage with the truth? When you do, you're going to be free and you're going to feel peace like you've never known. Hey, I'm excited for you to put this into practice. May God use this to change your life. Lord, I pray for all my friends and everyone that's heard this today that they will sit with this teaching, they will make it part of their life, and they will apply it and experience all that you promised. I ask it in the name of Jesus. Thanks so much for joining me. I'll see you back next time.